Sun. Feb. 10 – Four & 8 Goal Amateur & Presidents Cups

10:00   Field 3 – 8 Goal

Chapel Hill park by my office

STG park at NEast corner of field 3, just off road

STG vs Chapel Hill

*Both teams bring 1 umpire horse

Ump: Carlos Galindo & Bradley Biddle

3rd: Joe Coors


10:00   Field 5 – 4 Goal

Buffalos vs Empire

*Both teams bring 1 umpire horse

Ump: Marcial Socas & Flaco Maldonato

3rd: Billy Ramos


12:00   Field 1 – 8 Goal Pres. Cup Final

BOTH park on Sunday bench

Ridgway Hemp vs Lockton

*Both teams bring 1 umpire horse

Ump: Bradley Biddle & Eddy Martinez

3rd: Leandro Flocarri


2:00   Field 1 – 4 Goal Amateur Cup Final

Evergreen park in NWest corner

Hanalei Bay park on Sunday bench

Evergreen vs Hanalei Bay

*Both teams bring 1 umpire horse

Ump: Dana Fortugno & Flaco Maldonato Eddy Martinez

3rd: Tim Rudy

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