Sun. Mar. 24 – Four & 8 Goal

10:00  Lions Field – 8 Goal Practice

Lockton vs Evergreen


10:00   Field 4 – 4 Goal

Both park on North end

Columbia West vs Hanalei Bay

*ONE teams bring 1 umpire horse

Ump: Andy Maze & Dana Fortugno

3rd: Carlitos Hernandez

Scorekeeper: Suki Piper


10:00   Field 5 – 4 Goal

Empire vs Archangel

*Both teams bring 1 umpire horse

Ump: Darrell Schwetz & Flaco Maldonado

3rd: Diego Llaregli

Scorekeeper: Danny Sheldon


10:00   Field 3 – 8 Goal

STG/CH park North end of Fld 3 on left just off road

Cotterel park by my office

Cotterel vs STG/Chapel Hill

*Both teams bring 1 umpire horse

Ump: Kimo Huddleston & Eddy Martinez

3rd: Ricardo Garcia

Scorekeeper: Billy Ramos


12:00   Field 1 – 8 Goal

Both park on Sunday bench

*NO cars in trailer parking area!!

Spindrift vs Ridgway Hemp

*Both teams bring 2 umpire horses

Ump: Darrell Schwetz & Eddy Martinez

3rd: Nicolai Galindo

Scorekeeper: Billy Ramos


2:00   Field 1 – 4 Goal

S4K park in NWest corner

Luna Polo park on Sunday bench

*NO cars in trailer parking area!!

S4K vs Luna Polo

*ONE teams bring 1 umpire horse

Ump: Dana Schwetz & Eddy Martinez

3rd: Ashton Wolf

Scorekeeper: Billy Ramos/Suki Piper

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