Empire Polo Club has added a number of improvements to the Medjhool Lake area near the VIP seating area for Sunday Polo. We would like to share a few photos of the new stone terraces, refreshing fountains and statuary.
Polo players will be excited to play on the fields this year. We have added tons of sand and worked through the summer to create the ultimate playing experience.
Stone terrace with new fountain adds additional seating areas in the VIP area next to Field #1.
Another view of the announcer’s tower.
The Medjhool Lake area has been renovated.
Another view of the Lake.
A new gazebo and event space has been added adjacent to Medjhool Lake.
A rustic gazebo island and bridge have been added to Medjhool Lake.
A second stone terrace has been installed in from to the Lions overlooking Field #1.
Another view of the wildlife at Medjhool Lake.
Monet inspired bridge with lilies.
A babbling brook leads to the new overflow lake adjacent to Medjhool Lake.
Another view of the brook and statuary.
The new overflow lake near Field #1.
A wild boar from Italy has taken up residence in the VIP area.
The boar overlooks Field #1.
A winged-lion fountain is the centerpiece of the terrace.