Fri. Apr. 1- Eight Goal

Don’t forget players party Friday night 6:30 to 9:30 at Tavern Pizza Patio. RSVP to

* In case of a 3-way tie, there will be a shootout after these games at 2:30 or earlier on the North end of Field 3.

-you will need 2 players from your team, dressed appropriately for game play, on a horse that has played in this tournament also dressed for game play.

Piocho- W Roseville, L Lockton,  1-1

Lockton- W Piocho, Lauburu, L0,  2-0

Lauburu- W 0, L Roseville, Lockton,  0-2

Roseville- W Lauburu, L Piocho,  1-1

12:00   Field 3

*each team bring 2 umpire horses*

Piocho  vs  Lauburu Polo

Ump: Kimo Huddleston & JJ Boote

3rd: Domingo Questel

Piocho park by my office

Lauburu park at North end of fld.3, or in parking lot off Monroe


12:00   Field 1

Lockton  vs  Roseville Motor Cars

*each team bring 1 umpire horse*

Ump: Ka’aina DeCoite & Mike Jordan

3rd: Ricardo Garcia

Park up on the bench behind tents

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