Fri. Apr. 2 – Coachella League & Teams *Updated*twice*

9:00   Field 2

Hanalei Bay vs LC Design vs LaSalle

Hana park North East corner

LC Design park North West corner of Field 2

LaSalle park between 1 & 2 South

Ump: Andy Maze

3rd: Kevin Ittig


10:30   Field 1

Lockton/Mother Chukkers vs Sayulita

Both park on bench

Ump: Andy Maze

3rd: Kevin Ittig


Lockton/Mother Chukkers

Tim Kelly

Max Menini

Juan Semper

Sukey Forbes

Hanalei Bay

Jimmy Wright

Krista Bonaguidi

Erin Britton

Dayelle Fargey


Henry Trione

Ignacio Deltour

Luis Saracco

Bob Gray

LC Design

Jared Sheldon

Liz Cunningham

Tim Rudy

Nico Nierenberg


Julie Fernandez

Leandro Floccari

Cailin McLennon

Tommy Reinoso

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