Sat. Mar. 26- Four Goal

10:00   Field 3

Blazers  vs  Evergreen

*each team needs to bring 1 umpire horse*

Ump: JJ Boote & Mike Jordan

3rdDoug Blumenthal Domingo Questel

Blazers park by my office

Evergreen park at North end, or parking lot off Monroe


2:00   Field 2

Empire/Thermal  vs  Coldwell Banker/AR

*each team needs to bring 1 umpire horse*

Ump: Kimo Huddleston & Domingo Questel

3rd: Mike Jordan

Emp/Therm park past my office at South end of Field 2, or parking lot off Monroe

Coldwell/AR park at North end by covered tie rails or on grass in front of east/west tie rails.

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