Sun. Mar. 7 – Four Goal & Coachella League


SUNDAY  –    Mar. 7

4 Goal Congressional Cup

& Empire Coachella League


10:00   Field 1  – 4 goal

Hanalei Bay vs Myers Ranch

Hana park North East corner

Myers park on bench (go around lake to SouthEast corner)

*Both teams bring 1 umpire horse


3rd: Kyle Fargey

Timer: Vicky Owens


10:00   Field 3 – Coachella League finals

Ryan/Lockton vs LC Design/Mother Chukkers

Both park between 1 & 2

Ump: Ernie Darquea

3rd: Billy Ramos


12:00   Field 1  – 4 goal

Granite Bay vs Archangel

Granite park North West corner

Archangel park on bench (go around lake to SouthEast corner)

*Both teams bring 1 umpire horse


3rd: Robert Payne or Russell Stimmel

Timer: Billy Ramos


2:00   Field 2 – Coachella League

Exit/Domino vs GK Farms

Both park between 1 & 2

Ump: Ernie Darquea

3rd: Kevin Ittig

Timer: Billy Ramos


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