2 Southern California racehorses test positive for EHV-1

Polo clubs to institute entry ban on any potentially exposed horses.

OK, stop and don’t panic – just read on…

2 Thoroughbred racehorses, one stabled at Santa Anita Racetrack in Los Angeles County and one
from a farm in Ramona in San Diego County, have tested positive for the non-neuropathic
strain of Equine Herpes Virus – 1. These horses had exposure to each other previously and have
been isolated and are being treated and seem to be recovering nicely. The California Department
of Food and Agriculture and the California Horse Racing Board officials feel this infection is
contained, although ongoing, and is being closely monitored. Racing is continuing as usual at
Santa Anita.

After discussions with the polo managers at both Eldorado and Empire Polo Clubs, even though
chances for infection here are minimal, we are instituting an entry ban on any horse that has been stabled at either the Ramona farm or at Santa Anita within the last 30 days. Any green horse prospect off the track or coming from any farm that may have had exposure to any of these horses in any way will not be allowed on the polo grounds or stabling area for the remainder of the season effective immediately. If you have any polo horse that has pastured or stabled with
horses that may have been to Santa Anita in the last 30 days we ask that they not be brought on
the grounds either. Again, this is just a mutually agreed precautionary response. We have no
ongoing or potentially ongoing infection here.

While this minor episode may be over quickly, we ask everyone to police themselves and try not
to bring any potentially exposed horse to the polo grounds. Please do not panic or overreact as
we have no knowledge that we have had any crossover of horses at this point. If anyone has any
information to the contrary, please advise me or the polo managers as soon as possible. Should
conditions change, we will be sure to update everyone. Thank you for your cooperation
Michael Manno, DVM, MS

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