Opening Day and Hat Day at Empire Polo Club
Presented by Ferrari of Rancho Mirage.
January 5, 2020
8-Goal Coachella Cup Final
4-Goal Stagecoach Challenge Final
In the 8-goal Coachella Cup Cotterel Farms (Jenny Benardoni 0, Gaby Saccullo 1, Santi Von Wernich 5, and Francisco Benardoni 2), confronted Evergreen (Tom Sprung -1, Carlos Galindo 2, Nick Cifuni 3, and Carlitos Galindo 4).

Evergreen had a slow start on this gorgeous, sunny day, as Jenny and Francisco Benardoni put their team ahead 2 to 0 in the first chukker. In the second chukker Nick Cifuni scored once for Evergreen, which was answered by Cotterel’s Gaby Saccullo’s goal in the third chukker. This ended a very defensive first half with Cotterel Farms up by two points, 3 to 1. Tom Sprung started Evergreen’s second-half charge with a magnificent carry, which Carlos tapped in for the first goal of the second half. Nick scored a penalty 2 and Carlitos made a beautiful, wide-open run and goal. Von Wernich’s penalty 3 shot went through for Cotterel, resulting with the 4thchukker ending with the teams tied at 4 to 4. In chukker 5 Nick put a point up for Evergreen with a successful penalty 3. Gaby also scored a penalty 3 shot for Cotterel Farms. At the end of the fifth chukker the teams remained tied with 5 to 5 score. The last chukker’s 3 goals were all made by Carlitos Galindo, with one from the field and two penalty 4 shots. Evergreen won the game with the final score of 8 to 5.
In the finals of the 4-Goal Stagecoach Challenge, Zahedi Chogan (Sy Zahedi -1, Meghan Gracida 0, Francisco Guinazu 3, Dayelle Fargey 1.5) lined up against Empire (Rob Scapa 0, Russell Stimmel 2, Robert Payne III 3, David Chun/Robert McGinley -1). Zahedi Chogan started the match with a .5 handicap advantage in this 5 chukker game.

Rob Payne scored the only goal of the first chukker, converting a penalty 2 for the Empire team. In the second time period Francisco Guinazu made 3 impressive goals for Zahedi Chogan. Empire put 2 points on the board, ending chukker 2 with Zahedi Chogan at a slight advantage, 3 to 3.5. Zahedi Chogan pulled ahead in the third chukker with 2 points to Empire’s 1, ending the first half with a score of 4 to 5.5. Fargey and Guinazu each put one through the uprights in the fourth chukker, putting Zahedi Chogan on top 7.5 to 4. Russell Stimmel scored for Empire in the fifth chukker, which Zahedi Chogan answered with 3 goals. The final score was 5 to 9.5, with Zahedi Chogan victorious.